Application FAQ
How does this work?
How does this work?
1. Collaborate with fellow attendees
2. Submit a 1-2page PDF (including figures, citations extra)
3. Get your proposal selected, according to relevance, partnerships, uniqueness & potential impact
If you want to learn more and join our next event, please submit a query here.
Who to collaborate with?
Who to collaborate with?
To review colleagues in attendance at your event, please see the attendee bio listing distributed by email with the invitation to apply for seed funding.
When do I get funded?
When do I get funded?
Funding for selected proposals will be initiated within one to three months of submission.
Where do I submit?
What is the current theme?
What is the current theme?
Participatory Research
Participatory research can be a vehicle to collaborate and coordinate with stakeholders in generating empowering information for both scholars and broader communities. Community expertise could be of great value to researchers, and new knowledge can help communities overcome a lack of resources for advocacy, skills for implementation, or access to decision-making settings. Large and small, marginalized and central, communities can benefit from the academic engine -- and the academy can benefit from the perspectives of a partner community.